SweetNSour Magazine


Zedd Releases ‘Telos,’ the Album He’s Always Dreamed Of

Zedd’s new album, ‘Telos,’ marks a monumental moment in his career, one that fans have eagerly anticipated for nearly a decade. Unlike his previous global hits like “The Middle” and “Stay“, ‘Telos’ showcases a more introspective and experimental side of Zedd, revealing his deep passion for artistic expression beyond the conventional boundaries of dance-pop.

Zedd describes ‘Telos’ as having multiple meanings—one being “accomplishment” or “completion of human art” and another as “the end.” These interpretations resonate with the journey he underwent while creating the album. Zedd grew up influenced by albums that shaped his musical identity, and he never imagined he could create something on par with those masterpieces. Yet, as he completed ‘Telos,’ he found himself experiencing the same emotions that those formative albums had once evoked in him.

The creation of ‘Telos’ was a lengthy process, spanning over nine years. Zedd’s dedication to crafting this album is evident in the way he talks about the project—it’s something he didn’t initially believe he was capable of achieving. This album represents not just a musical accomplishment but a personal triumph, a culmination of years of growth and exploration as an artist.

‘Telos’ is distinct in its incorporation of classical and orchestral elements, reflecting the influence of Zedd’s musical upbringing. Each track on the album is infused with the theatricality and whimsy of these genres, blending synth and symphony in a way that is both intentional and unapologetically grand. The result is an album that feels timeless, a piece of work that not only showcases Zedd’s evolution as an artist but also pays homage to the musical roots that have shaped him.

The long wait for ‘Telos’ was undoubtedly worth it. Zedd’s meticulous attention to detail and his desire to push the boundaries of his craft have resulted in an album that stands out in the landscape of electronic music. It’s not just another collection of tracks; it’s a cohesive body of work that tells a story of artistic growth and the pursuit of creative fulfillment.

For fans, ‘Telos’ is more than just an album—it’s a journey into the mind of an artist who has spent nearly a decade perfecting his craft, pushing himself to create something truly extraordinary. And for Zedd, it’s a reflection of his journey as a musician, from the young artist influenced by classical compositions to the global dance music icon capable of creating an album that rivals the very works that inspired him.

In ‘Telos,’ Zedd has accomplished what he once thought impossible: creating a timeless piece of art that encapsulates his artistic vision and solidifies his place as one of the most innovative and influential figures in electronic music today.