SweetNSour Magazine


John Summit Discusses His Debut Album and Personal Balance

John Summit recently discussed his debut album, Comfort in Chaos, in a detailed conversation with Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1. This album, Summit’s first, perfectly blends the comfort found in the solitude of the studio and the exhilarating chaos of performing live.

John Summit shared insights into the core theme of his album and life: duality. He described his dual experiences of crafting music alone in the serenity of his studio and the dynamic energy of live performances. He also touched on his personal journey from a Certified Public Accountant to a globally touring DJ, emphasizing his pursuit of financial independence. Coming from a modest middle-class background, Summit highlighted his initial career choice in accounting as a means to secure financial stability. This decision led him to a period where, despite financial struggles, he produced an impressive number of records in 2020 while living in his parents’ basement.

Summit also discussed the risks of becoming overly consumed by success. He stressed the importance of maintaining a clear direction and not getting overwhelmed by opportunities. According to Summit, it’s easy to lose oneself in the expansion of projects and business ventures. He expressed a desire to eventually slow down, prioritize personal life, and maintain normalcy, noting that many DJs often sacrifice these aspects.